Nov 30, 2024
Navigating decisions in the outdoor setting using spheres of practice
In this workshop, participants will examine Bob Ryan’s “Spheres of Practice”. Originally designed for the Challenge Ropes Course, we will make use of it as a framework to help outdoor practitioners effectively navigate the complexities of mainstream common practices, standard operating procedures, and individual preferences. Participants examined practical scenarios in the outdoor industry, assessing how various decisions can be informed by the different spheres in order to enhance self-awareness and systems awareness.
Nov 30, 2024
Panel Discussion 2024
Panel discussion at the HK Outdoor Learning Conference 2024. Experts Lye Yen Kai (Blackbox OE / Singapore Outdoor Adventure Education Council), Dave Addis (ICHK Secondary School), Holly Brigham and Dr Xoni Ma (OWLHK) speak on a variety of standards, workforce, wellbeing and advocacy.
Nov 30, 2024
Exploring Pathways to Professional Recognition
What does it mean to be an outdoor professional? This session will ponder this crucial question and call upon the attendees to co-create their own definition for Hong Kong. On the way, it will look at what it means to be a professional in other nations, the benefits of being recognised as a professional, and the potential pathways that we could take in Hong Kong to achieving professional recognition.
Jul 10, 2024
HKOLA Updates Articles of Association for Improved Governance
As part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen the Hong Kong Outdoor Learning Association (HKOLA), we are pleased to announce updates to our Articles of Association. These foundational governing documents outline the rules and procedures that guide the operation and management of our non-profit organisation.
May 12, 2024
What makes a professional qualification professional. 甚麼令一個專業資格成為專業資格
In the realm of outdoor adventure sports, professional skill qualifications are not just fancy titles or certificates, but solid proof of instructors' expertise, safety consciousness and ethical conduct. In this blog entry, we will delve into the development of professional outdoor skill qualifications.
Mar 17, 2024
Research into the state of HK's outdoor learning sector planned 計劃進行對香港戶外學習行業的研究。
HKOLA is supporting an academic study that aims to shed light on the current state of Hong Kong's outdoor education sector, and provide an update to a previous study conducted in 2005.
The research seeks to capture a snapshot of the sector, focusing on its size, the range of outdoor learning opportunities available, and the individuals engaged in this field.
Oct 9, 2023
Guidelines, standards and laws; whats the difference? 指引、標準同法律;佢哋有咩分別?
As an outdoor instructor in Hong Kong, it's important to understand the differences between guidelines, standards and laws within the outdoor adventure education industry. While these terms may seem interchangeable, they each have distinct meanings with their own implications. 作為香港的戶外教育員,了解戶外冒險教育行業中指引、標準和法律之間的區別非常重要。雖然這些術語可能看似可以互換使用,但它們各自具有獨特的含義和影響。
Oct 2, 2023
Why we need an outdoor learning association.
It seems that outdoor learning in various forms continues to grow in popularity across Hong Kong and around the world. As a result, HKOLA feels it's more important than ever to have a strong professional body to represent outdoor educators and promote the industry's best practices.