Organisation Members
International College Hong Kong Secondary
At ICHK, the way we teach students is just as vital to the learning experience, as the content we deliver. Our innovative outdoor education programme is evidence of this, and in recent years has been firmly established as one of the central pillars of our school.
Hong Kong SAR
Hong Kong has a growing array of organisations delivering outdoor education in their own unique ways.
Browse through our members and see if you can find a suitable match.
The Organisational Members page has been developed to help strengthen our community of outdoor learning providers, practitioners and users. It serves as a platform to link organisations with potential staff, clients, and other organisations.
We ask that contributors exercise good online manners and etiquette as they enjoy our profile feature. Information, language, links, or any other material that may be considered inappropriate, offensive, or in bad taste posted on our pages/sites will be subject to removal.
In turn, HKOLA cannot be held responsible for information posted by third-party sources, and the hosting of organisation's profiles does not constitute an endorsement of the organisations, their content or competency for any possible work.
The HKOLA Provider Badge is an endorsement of the quality of an organisation's risk management, staffing, training, and child safeguarding policies and systems. However, this endorsement has limitations. A document review and site visit verifies that an organization meets, or appears to have met, certain standards at the time of the visit/review. As a result, it does not guarantee that clients and program staff will be free from harm, given the inherent risks of adventure activities and the environments that they take place in. Parties are advised to undertake their own due diligence when seeking to employ the services of an organisation.