Dave Addis
Oct 17, 2023
This Masters thesis (2023) investigates how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted Hong Kong's outdoor adventure education (OAE) sector. It explores the challenges faced by OAE organizations and educators and discusses what the future holds for outdoor education in Hong Kong.
This article investigates the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the outdoor adventure education sector in Hong Kong. It was conducted as a Masters dissertation by David Addis and has not been formally peer-reviewed or published elsewhere. The following is a summary of the full dissertation.
The pandemic brought many challenges to the outdoor education sector in Hong Kong. Travel restrictions were put in place, which meant people couldn't travel freely. This created difficulties in hiring overseas staff, but on the other hand, ‘trapped’ a large population in Hong Kong who were looking for outdoor recreation opportunities. Schools were closed, and students had to learn online, so they couldn't participate in outdoor activities like they used to. When they could participate, strict social distancing measures meant that students had to keep a safe distance from each other and couldn't gather in large groups. This affected key components of courses such as eating together, residential visits, and physical contact.
The researcher surveyed eleven outdoor education organizations and received responses from seventeen educators - eight organizations, eight educators, and one educator who had ceased working in outdoor education. The findings reveal that, similar to OAE sectors worldwide, Hong Kong organisations and educators experienced challenges related to finances, staffing, and program restrictions. However, contrastingly to other OAE sectors, the pandemic created opportunities for new organisations to emerge, and the high level of adaptability that HK organisations displayed in response to changing restrictions.
One major area impacted was finances. Educators faced uncertainty about their income and job stability, while OAE organizations grappled with financial challenges and reduced revenue. A knock-on effect of this were the staffing challenges, including difficulties in recruiting and retaining professional staff, as well as managing staff infections. It was a challenging time for both organizations and educators.
However, amidst these difficulties, there were also some opportunities. The pandemic opened doors for new companies to enter the outdoor education market in Hong Kong. These new companies could bring fresh ideas and approaches to outdoor education. It was a chance for innovation and growth in the sector. Adapting to the new environment was another significant theme, as organizations had to repeatedly navigate COVID-safe protocols and restrictions. The organisational skills learnt during this period were seen as valuable for future crises.
Looking ahead, organisations and educators anticipated the following challenges for outdoor education in Hong Kong. One challenge is the shortage of staff. Respondents were concerned that it may be difficult to find and hire qualified outdoor educators. Another challenge is meeting the changing educational needs of students. The pandemic has affected young people's mental health and social development, and outdoor education programs may need to adapt to address these needs. Additionally, respondents anticipated challenges related to contracting and regaining the trust of clients.
Despite the challenges, many respondents felt that outdoor education in Hong Kong has a bright future. Some felt that the restrictions of the pandemic highlighted the value of this approach to a wider audience and its important role in the personal and social development of students. The article suggests that by understanding the impacts of the pandemic, outdoor education practitioners can make informed decisions to prepare for future challenges. They can find ways to recover from the pandemic, become more resilient, and continue providing valuable programs to young people.
In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on outdoor adventure education in Hong Kong. It disrupted the operations of organizations and caused financial difficulties. However, it also created opportunities for new companies to enter the market. Moving forward, there are challenges to overcome, but with careful planning and adaptation, outdoor education can continue to thrive and benefit the students of Hong Kong.
Addis, David (2023) The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Hong Kong’s outdoor adventure education sector, University of Worcestor, Masters thesis
The full research project can be accessed here: